Chapter Sixteen
The Tuffley Avenue Plane Crash 1963 . This event has appeared on various FB pages over the years but always with the key pieces of info missing . In 1963 the last two houses on the left at the Stroud...
The Tuffley Avenue Plane Crash 1963 . This event has appeared on various FB pages over the years but always with the key pieces of info missing . In 1963 the last two houses on the left at the Stroud...
The three brothers successfully managed the company through the 50's, 60's and 70's Tom Drury MD had brought his son Chris Drury into the Company in 1960 to start the training program that would prepare him to eventually take over...
Gloucester a Timber City in the 1970s and 80s. Although no longer a timber port the city was still a major timber industry City with companies running up both sides of the Canal some literally side by side . Heading...
Another major challenge for Nicks as Fire hits for the second time in its History. Every generation that has managed Nicks has had to face its own set of twists and turns to keep the company going, less than a...
Out of the Ashes another reinvention of Nicks . Nicks managment had already been toying with plans for a new retail store to the south of their site, prior to the fire in June 1987 so these plans were modified...
Gloucester was the furthest inland Timber port in the UK with ocean going tall ships reaching the City via the Sharpness Canal . Baxter and Nicks started in the mid 1800s in the Dock Head at Bakers Quay. William...
1860 to 1870’sIn 1860, Nicks & Baxter were joined by Henry Morgan Hooper, who with his former partner Joseph Robert Sanders had traded from the neighbouring yards to the south. These had a canal frontage of 63 yards, and the...
In the late 1880s Nicks & Co dealt with 15 to 20 ships a year, bringing sawn deals, baulk timber and some railway sleepers from Canada, the Baltic ports and Archangel with occasional cargoes of pitch pine from the United...
Death of William Nicks In the later years of his life, William Nicks sat regularly as a magistrate and was a trustee or governor of various local schools and charities. He no longer took much part in local politics, but...